Monday, 15 November 2010

Music in the street

McDonald's is where I've been spending a lot of time lately.  Sad I know; my Internet doesn't arrive until later this month, so during a lot of my considerable free time I've been hanging out with all the other people with nothing better to do than sit in the corner of McDo at odd hours.

On my way home from the fast food restaurant this morning I noticed something I'd never seen before.  A man and a woman with a music box on wheels were walking along playing a tune.  I've noted before about music on the métro, but this was the first time I'd seen people with a mobile busking service in the street.  By the look of it, the good people of the 12th arrondissement were rewarding the cheery man and his partner quite handsomely.

Here's a video of them playing:


  1. bjr rob! j'ai trouvé ceci par hasard, c'est vraiment interessant! mes projets pour ma propre année sabbatique sont...ben ils n'existent encore grâce aux funding cuts du crap govt! j'ai bien voulu faire un stage avec british council mais on ne sait pas encore s'il y aura des places l'annee prochaine donc who knows. je vais suivre ton blog, peut-etre un peu de living vicariously aiderait! ben a bientot, Lilly xxx

  2. Salut Lilly! Merci de suivre mon blog. J'ai vu les cuts au british council...pour economiser quelques millions de livres ils vont supprimer milles de postes...crap govt indeed! J'espere que tout va bien a Oxford et que tu auras l'occasion de le faire, j'aime beaucoup etre assistant! A plus, Rob xx
